Thursday, August 30, 2007

So about the blog name...

You know it's happened to you. You're all prepared for something and then it doesn't quite turn out the way you thought it would. Come remember...back in studied and studied and studied. Made all those multi colored three by five card flash cards. You knew all the parts of a plant stamen and you were READY for that test! The instructor merrily hands out the exams..."okay ladies and gentlemen....BEGIN" and you flip that mother freaking test over...YES! Label the plant stamen parts! Flying through the multiple choice, screaming through the matching and then you flip to the last page (insert ominous chord of music here). AND THERE'S A MATH PROBLEM. Beads of cold sweat break out...this wasn't on the study guide!!! And that's when that little indignant voice speaks up in your head "I was told there would be NO MATH!!".

It's the unexpected. The stuff that you should be able to deal with, but each and every time you encounter that "stuff" there's a little voice protests.."HEY! I was told there would be NO math!" Happens to me on an almost daily basis. It's the stuff I should be ready for...the stuff I should have been paying attention to, but I was doing something infintely more important at the time and therefore...I'm NEVER prepared.

I'm very bad about preparing for the "math" in life. I can plan a party, plan a meeting, schedule a life changing surgery, but that "math" stuff that I should prepare for...I'm always passing notes in class or know the stuff I taxes, name changes on important documents, making that dentist appointment that's required before the first day of school..that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. And when they say..."oh you should have had that were told about it" that's when that little voice inside me yells "BUT I WAS TOLD THERE WOULD BE NO MATH!".

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