Friday, February 1, 2008

Got Game?

Emma came skipping into the living room the other night carrying her "NEMO MEMORY GAME". It was almost 9 pm.

First of all. Someone should card the parents for their date of birth when they buy a game like that. If you're over 40 years old, you shouldn't be allowed to purchase something that a 4 year old is going to humiliate you with. I mean, it's bad for your sense of self worth when you continally can't find the other Marlin and you never get a turn because your 4 year old's memory is much superior to yours. Nevermind that I can remember where pedicle screws are placed in the lumbar spine, I can't find that other damn Marlin and I KNOW I just saw that bastard!

Have you ever played this game? About a million and a half square cards that you flip over so you can't see the fronts. There are so many cards that they cover the top of our coffee table and I swear we have to put some on the floor, the TV, the kitchen counter...maybe that's why I can't find the matching card...I can't remember where I put it!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Tell me about it! I get so mad at Memory that I refuse to play it!

Hey, "Tag, you're it!" Come to my blog and see what I mean ;-)