Friday, December 21, 2007

Dryer lint with legs

Hey. I'm back. I hear at least one person missed me. Heheh. So LOTS has happened since I last was hanging around in the blogosphere (did I spell that right? Can you spell that wrong?). Anyway, I should just have TONS of fodder for blogging, but I seem to have a small case of topic constipation...for which prunes are not the remedy. I thought I'd start with the latest dumb mistake we've made. We got another dog.

OKAY...before you start with the "why did you need ANOTHER dog" and "Did you even THINK about this?" stuff, let me tell you that this dog is freaking cute. I mean, it's fall down on the floor cute. Alright, maybe not that cute, but at least it makes you a little dizzy when you look at it. See picture. Are you dizzy? Put your face really close to the screen...maybe that just makes your eyes hurt. ANYWAY...we had been just looking puppies at local puppy places. Just LOOKING. Oh, RIGHT, like you can just LOOK at puppies. So then we started looking in the local paper and lo and our very own town...a litter of pomeranians. AWWWWW.
So my husband called. Yes...they still had some. Now we are the same people who can put off paying the cable bill because we think we don't have the money, but we can come up with puppy cash in the blink of an eye. So. We talked about it...for all of 3 minutes. And he called the woman back and went over and put a deposit on one of the little darlings.
A couple of nights later, we picked her up. I almost passed out from the cuteness...overwhelming cuteness. She should have some sort of biohazard sticker on her because she's so frickin cute. (See already did). So she was home all of 7 minutes and she found a bracelet that we had deemed permanently lost, a potato chip covered with lint from under the sofa and a piece to my camera that I didn't even know I'd lost. She was timid and cute and cuddly. FAST FORWARD TO NOW.
We've had her for a week now. She has been named "Frosty" but we mostly call her "YOU BAD PUPPY!!". She can drag a shoe three times her size for MILES and then proceed to destroy it before you even know it's missing. She has this high's not really a's more of a SHRIEK. I'm not kidding...I've been cleaning up broken glass because things are shattering.
She just went by my chair as I type this dragging Mermaid Dora by her hair. Which I sort of enjoyed...but the four year old didn't think it was as funny as I did. She is now thundering around the house in some sort wild Dora-dragging induced euphoria (the puppy not the child).
But really...she's very cute...even when she is standing in the older Pomeranian's water dish and digging with her front paws and water is going all over my kitchen floor...she really is CUTE. I SWEAR. Especially cute when she goes storming through the Christmas village under the tree and I yell "POMZILLA!!". REALLY cute when she's gnawing the head off of a Happy Meal toy (I hate those things). PAINFULLY cute when she got a tooth caught in my 15 year old son's hand the other night and pulled the six foot tall boy OFF OF THE COUCH while he screamed like a girl.
Why did we do this again? I'm still working on an answer for you. Check back....I have to go now, she's chewing on the computer's electrical co

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