Saturday, July 26, 2008

I SO need one of these!!!!

I'm an impulse buyer.  And not of things that are useful like chapstick or on-sale spaghetti sauce. I like  to buy things that are completely not useful.  There was this one time (don't you hate stories that start that way?) my cousin and I were in like 8th grade and we were at "The Mall" and we bought these DOG puppets that we thought were hysterical.    Completely an impulse buy that at the time my mother thought was HORRIBLE.  It was a dog puppet.  Come on.  

Any way.  I am a big fan of another blogger and it turns out she makes a unique product that I'm just drooling over.  Sock Zombies.  I am completely enamored with these things.  What would I do with it?  What WOULDN'T I do with it?  Zombies eat brains and my desk in a neurosurgery office would be the PERFECT location for a Sock Zombie to live!  I just get so much of a kick out of the detail and the fake blood.  The person that makes them writes very funny descriptions that make me want one even more!

And now...there are Sock Zombie Cozies.  I can just SEE one of these babies on the gear shift of my Equinox!!!!  How GREAT would that be?  His little red eyes beaming in the sun...sparkly red blood twinkling by the dash board lights.  I totally don't need one...MUST STAY AWAY FROM ETSY!!!!!!  You know I'll be hitting that "Shopping Cart" button in a moment of total weakness! Sock Zombies!   MUST.....HAVE....ZOMBIE......

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