Friday, July 25, 2008


Tuesday at the big pool, I learned a valuable lesson about SPF values.  Like, SPF zero does not protect you from the sun at all.  I came home with a sunburn that was quite impressive.  Not just red. REDREDRED.   I thought I needed a little engine red wasn't what I had in mind.

When we got to the big pool, I sprayed the child down with sunscreen and added a little bug spray just for chemical fun.  (There are some big ass bugs out in the country)   My cousin swears she doesn't have stock in a company called "Banana Boat" yet she took almost 20 minutes to slather her children with sunscreen from the parts in their hair to between their toes and I think she might have done their nostrils but I couldn't swear to it.

Anyway, I have been dealing with the sunburn (self inflicted) for the past couple of days and it's been (gulp) painful but the worst has come on day three.  ITCHING.   I think as the top layer of skin, which is most assuredly DEAD, detaches from the new red, raw, new skin underneath it must create this itching, prickling, there-are-fireants-on--my-back feeling. I'd like to take one of those wire brushes on a handle that is used to clean grills and just go to TOWN on my back.  I don't know if  I'd pass out from the pain or the relief from the itching!!

You know what's next?  PEELING.  Did you ever see the episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe where he's in an attic with an exterminator looking for a snake...and all they find is the SKIN the snake has shed.  That's what is going to happen with me.  Joe is going to walk through the living room and I'll have left for work, but there is going to be a pile of skin shaped like me.  

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That'll freak him out.  

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