Saturday, March 29, 2008

Squirrely or Eater Morning

Easter morning was relatively normal at our house. Eggs (jeez I think those are still in pitch those today before I poison someone), candy, toys, breakfast. The usual stuff. My parents invited us to their house for Easter dinner in the afternoon. Dad called me late in the morning and told me that he had hidden eggs outside. He was pretty eggcited (hahahahahahha...sorry...I can't pass up a pun). Anyway...he wanted to let me know so that I brought my camera, etc. Actually I think he was just all wound up and had to tell someone.

So. Later in the afternoon we're there and Emma and her cousin Sean are hunting eggs in the backyard like crazy people. Dad has hidden most of the eggs in plain view. That's good because when he gets really clever at hiding he has to make a map and that takes a good part of a day and a protractor and a slide rule. ANYWAY...they are hunting eggs and Emma says..."Oh..this one's broken" . She brings it over and we sort of just pass it off and tell her someone must have stepped on it in the excitement. Dad knows just how many eggs he's hidden....and we come up two short. Now he's mad at himself for not making a map. Then he thinks maybe he's miscounted eggs. We all make a couple laps around the backyard and find nothing else. So we go in and have dinner (that's another story....).

After dinner and the associated drama that goes with it...I take the kids outside to play with bubbles they got in their baskets. Take the camera...figure I'll get some cute shots. While I'm walking around the back yard (my parents have a wooded back yard...lots of oak trees that are very mature) I notice a small hole that has been freshly dug. I mean a really small hole about the size of a REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER CUP...which is exactly what is IN the small hole...only just the WRAPPER. And a few inches orange plastic egg that has been pried open by TINY PAWS. The SQUIRRELS have STOLE some of the eggs and the broken one? On examination...not broken at all! CHEWED....itty bitty tooth marks and scratches around the end that has been removed! Of course this cracked me up and I had to take a picture of it because not only do they eat my mother's pumpkins at Halloween, ruin her flowers and chew through her bird feeders, but now they are messing with EASTER. I take the picture evidence into the house and tell Mom who in true Easter joy and spirit yells...... " BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!".

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