Monday, March 31, 2008

Which reminds me (*SNORT*)...

I hate it when I snort when I laugh...anyway..that story reminds me of one of the first times that Joe and I went to Door County. We stay in a pretty nice condo that has a pretty nice tub with really nice bubbly air jet things in it. Supposed to soothe the achy muscles. I thought I'd take a nice bubble bath and off I went with my bottle of Chardonnay, a glass, a book and my shower gel. I was running the water and dumped in a healthy amount of the shower gel, dimmed the lights and poured my wine...I think Joe was watching television....and slithered into the tub. Nice! Took a drink of wine settled back in the bubbles with my book. Very nice! More wine, a little reading. I noticed the switch on the wall for the tub jets. I leaned over and turned it on and HOLY BRADY BUNCH EPISODE!! There were INSTANT mountains of bubbles! Of course I was half hooched up by that time so I just sat in the tub and laughed like a moron...which must have been disturbing to Joe who knew I was in there alone. I had bubbles TALLER THAN ME in that bathroom. It was totally excellent.

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