Monday, March 31, 2008

What the hell happened???

Many of you have read my previous entries about Frosty...also known as "BAD PUPPY!"...our latest addition to the family. When we got her at 8 weeks old, she was extremely cute. (Insert big AWWWWWWWWW here). That cuteness was a clever disguise for one of the most obnoxious small animals on the planet. This is no dog...this is a chewing MACHINE. She has destroyed shoes, phone chargers, clothing, coffee tables, pillows, comforters, toys, etc. etc. But...dang she's cute there, isn't she? Very deceiving.

She's a teenager now. She's turned from "puppy most likely to appear on a calendar page" to "Frosty the DOOFERANIAN"! What the hell happened? How does something so cute turn into a gangly, wild eyed, claw skittering maniac? The only good part is that she's currently lost most of her teeth as her adult teeth grow in and currently our shoes and personal undergarments and remaining furniture is safe. Hopefully when those new teeth grow in, she'll be less inclinded to chew on things (read as...'eat everything in sight like a GOAT').

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