Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Illegal again

Well...what was it...4 days? I'm driving illegally again. My license sticker expired yesterday. In Illinois, we used to be able to buy a license sticker at a bank or credit union. Well, because it was apparently too convenient, you can't do that anymore. I can either get a sticker on-line (which I asked my husband to do on SUNDAY....today is TUESDAY...oh don't look at me that way...everyone knows that husbands take out the garbage and are in charge of everything in the garage...which includes the cars...which means he had to get the license stickers...follow my logic?) OR I can go to the (insert ominous chord of music here).....DMV....yes...the DMV...where I spent the better part of my day off LAST FRIDAY. I could have gotten the sticker that day! I even had the form with me. This morning my husband was ripping the bedroom apart looking for the renewal form....I slunk (slinked?) into the kitchen where I keep the leather binder I carry with my calendar in it and guiltily pulled out the form. "You could have gotten this on FRIDAY" he says "you had it WITH you!". I just looked at him, thought for a minute and said "I got nuthin."

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