Friday, April 11, 2008

I swear I'm not doing this again...after this last time.

I'm having shoulder surgery again on Monday. Some of you know that I've already done this a couple of times and then spent over a year in physical therapy. There seems to be some sort of "thing" in there catching when I move my shoulder certain ways and it definitely makes life less pleasant. So...under the care of a world class orthopedic surgeon at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, we're going to do this one more time.

Last time is when I started doing this blog...and it may make some interesting reading because I was PRETTY WHACKED OUT on the "purple sticky punch" which I know really means marijuana but I think it's a funny Pauly Shore phrase, so I'm using it to describe Norco and Toradol...which makes me giggly and delerious intermittently...sort of like pot without the munchies. So now that I've written the longest run on sentence in the world, I'll move on.

Joe is taking me up to Rush Oak Park, which didn't impress me a lot last time. Of course it takes alot to impress me because I'm the neurosurgery queen of all things and of course no one can do anything right as far as I'm concerned. I waited a long time before surgery last time and no one came and said "I'm sorry" so I was all pissy about it. I also had to sit around in a gown and bad slippers with no-slip bottoms and that made me generally pissed off too.

Last time the anesthesia people (never piss off the anesthesia people...THEY ARE YOUR FRIEND), did something called an interscalene block. Long story short, they gave me the equivalent of a marguerita in my IV line and then poked me in the neck with a needle until they were able to hit a group of nerves and deaden the entire right arm. Not fun...but worth the drugs, I personally think. Versed makes you not care at all. I could have been being dragged away by a lion to be eaten in it's cave and I would have sleepily said "nice kitty!! hheeheheeh". When you wake have NO ARM. Can't feel it at all. Later it wakes up and the feeling is something between grabbing an electrical line and being eaten by fireants.

The good drugs have worn off by then. Can't wait.

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