Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stick me with a fork, I'm DONE.

Had shoulder surgery number three yesterday. I think on the shoulder surgery rating scale, this one was the worst so far (that rating scale begins with "not so bad" to "well that sucked" to "worst so far"). It was essentially the same procedure I'd had in the SECOND surgery of this shoulder epic, but now with more inflammation and assorted scarring and adhesions! Bonus!

It's over now and I've spent the last 24 hours sampling the drug buffet that comes with surgery. Start with a nice Versed, add a little morphine and finish off with an aged Fentanyl with a little Norco for an apertif. I have been whacked out the whole time. I've also learned that Norco makes me itch all over. So I've added a little Benadryl to the mix just for fun. This is one of my lucid moments, so I thought I'd take advantage of it before the next brick wall of drugs fell onto my brain. If I wasn't such a sissy about pain, I'd take less, but DAMN...some dude CUT into my shoulder! Not only does it hurt, but it's the principle of the thing! I deserve some drugs for that!

I've been hanging out in the recliner with books, blankies, pillows, ice bags, diet pepsi and raging case of bedhead. I've got dark circles under my eyes that would make Estee Lauder run for her life. I dabbed some Oil of Olay eye stuff on them earlier...it's some new stuff that's supposed to brighten dark circles with just a "dab". I think I needed dabs the size of ice cream scoops.

Joe has been home trying to work in the kitchen from his computer while he indulges my every whim. Put the foot of the chair up...no down...I'm hot...I'm hungry...did you see that 30 legged pink and purple bug on the wall? (just a few hallucinations). Poor guy. He just keeps saying "I love you." I don't know if he's telling me, or trying to convince himself as I holler from the living room...HEY I'VE GOT THE MUNCHIES!!!

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