Monday, April 21, 2008

I got nuthin.

I returned to work today after being off for a week and I had no idea how hard it would be. Since this is my THIRD surgery (I'm not bitter) I thought for some reason that I would bounce right back and be ready to return in seven days. Big surgery on a bad shoulder. Seven days. Sounded good at the time..which was before surgery...while I was feeling ten foot tall and bulletproof.

I discovered that soon after getting to work this morning that I could hardly hold my head up let alone take a breath at the same time and blink. I think the anesthesia hit my brain a little bit hard this time. I don't seem to be firing on all cylinders. I have to think a little bit too long about things like...oh, say...picking up a pen or answering a telephone. Add a couple doses of narcotic pain medication to that and I become the worlds largest paperweight. I could never get hooked on narcotics. Constipation and is that fun? "Dude...remember that time we took all that Norco and then couldn't poop and couldn't figure out how to use the TV controller? Man, dude...that was intense."

I'm regretting going back so early. (Insert chorus of "I TOLD YOU SO" here from my friends). Just prop me up at my desk and stick the pen in my hand...I'll try to take it from there.

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