Saturday, August 16, 2008


I bought a set of books yesterday at the hospital book fair.  I was coming back to the office after seeing a patient in the ER and I walked through the book fair area chanting "I am not buying, I am not buying".

After I lugged my arm load of books to the check out area (I can't help it, I'm weak when it comes to buying books.  It's a sickness, I swear!), one more set of books caught my eye.  "The One Minute Organizer" and "The One Minute Cleaner".  AHA!!!  Thinking of the dresser in the bedroom that has everything on it from Christmas decorations to rocks from Door County, I snatched the set up.

Last night while I watched Michael Phelps narrowly avoid defeat, I sat down with my new books just dying to know the secrets of cleaning and organizing and was disappointed to find out....


Those rocks and Christmas ornaments might be on that dresser for a while longer. Damn the book fair anyway.

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