Saturday, May 31, 2008


Last night I was emailing a friend and glanced outside and thought "Huh. Dark clouds...sort of green dark clouds.". And I went back to my emailing. For some reason, the green-ness of the clouds didn't really register with me.

Then it started to rain a little and it was sort of thundery and cozy.

And then it started hailing Volkswagons. Actually the hail was golf ball size. It completely TRASHED my garden. It never dawned on me to run outside and save the delicate blue glass gazing ball...but I did send Joe out to save my poor little unplanted baby tomato plant and he slipped on the patio and wrenched his knee..of course the bad knee...and now is parked in the recliner, full of narcotics with a big swollen knee and an equally big dumb smile on his face when the Norco has kicked in. We had no damage to the house, thank goodness. The garden however was a different story....and of course Joe's knee. Who knew hail could cause knee damage?

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