Thursday, January 10, 2008

Flying stuff that scares me.

So we're watching the History Channel last night. I equate the History Channel with important historical events like wars, famines, big inventions, know, all the historical stuff. Last night they aired a program about....Flying Rods.

Okay, okay...first let me tell you that I am freaked out of my mind by the possibility of FLYING SAUCERS. I have bad dreams. I mean big-bad-the-flying-saucers-are-out-to-get-me dreams. It seems like the flying saucer guys (now called aliens or something much more techincal) always want to stick something into your belly button and extract something from you...or WORSE inject something into your belly button. YOU KNOW THEY DO THIS! It's in all the creepy flying saucer movies!! Anyway....back to the History Channel...

There was a show about Flying RODS. I had never even HEARD of Flying Rods! Turns out there are these THINGS that are not able to be seen by the naked eye that just ZOOM through the sky and can only be seen on video (raises an eyebrow). But DUDE...check this out..! You've got to admit they are sort of creepy!

Okay. Maybe it was the guy's voice that narrated the History Channel show. Or the name of the show "MONSTERQUEST" (last week it was about Sasquatch). But I was a little FREAKED OUT! They started talking about visitors from a FOURTH DIMENSION. CREEEEEEPY.

My point with all this...other than it's damn that it was on the HISTORY it must be real, right??? Just like that Sasquatch episode last week.

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