Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kinda freaked out!

So after not sleeping most of the night, the morning of the garage sale dawned bright and clear. We were out in the garage at 6:45 putting junk...I mean valuable treasure out on the driveway (closer to the curb for trash pickup if it doesn't sell). My dad brought down two carloads of stuff they are getting rid of and here's the sweet part....(sings) I get to keep the MONey! I was feeling ABYSMAL when I got up this morning. Can't say woke up because I didn't sleep. I mean we're talking I felt like GRIM DEATH. I have this cold, I started taking a new medication yesterday and it makes me not want to eat. YUCK. So my cousin and best friend in the entire universe and possibly other universes, called me this morning. She recently acheived her Reiki II status. If you're not familiar, Reiki is a healing art where the hands are used to channel energy to the person you're treating (I'm sure she'll call me and correct what I've written...) Any way she called this morning from "Packing for Camping Hell" to see how things were in "Oh My God Garage Sale Hell". She says "oh...I sent you a Reiki treatment about 7:30. You're going to feel better soon." I'm all for feeling better! So we chatted a little and hung up and I kept puttering around at the sale and I STARTED TO FEEL BETTER! My nose stopped running, my stomach settled down and I felt hungry which I haven't felt in days! I'm so freaked out.

We're doing okay with the garage sale...I think our prices are a bit low but I just want the stuff GONE GONE GONE GONE. Poor Peaches. She is so stressed and has been barking non stop and actually had to submit to being carried around so shoppers could pat her and bask in her glory. She is now passed out flat in the love seat. It's hell to be the star of the garage sale.

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