Sunday, September 2, 2007


This is Peaches. She is a pomeranian (read as CONSTANT YAPPER). A fly farts two counties away and she will bark for an hour. She sleeps roughly 18 hours a day, perched on the top of the sofa so that she can be aware of any interlopers that may wander into perimeter of her kingdom (the front and back yard). God knows she wouldn't want to miss any yapping opportunities. I spend most of my time yelling "PEACH...PEACH...PEACH... SHUT UP" as she happily barks until we drag her to the laundry room so that we can have 30 seconds of yap-free time. Notice how her eyes seem to take up most of her head...which is very very small. I don't think there's alot of room up there for neurons to fire, if you know what I mean.

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