Saturday, September 15, 2007

This moment brought to you by

After I had my hysterectomy last year, I noticed a tingly line that ran down the inside of one of my legs. My GYN prescribed something for "neuropathy" what is really just an irritation of the nerve. He had probably cut one during the surgery and said that Neurontin or Gabapentin, as it is known generically, would take care of it until it healed in six months to a year. Being an RN, I knew of the drug, non addictive, virtually no side effects and started taking it. It made me deliriously happy.

I'm not kidding you. This stuff took my personality from guns and daggers to hearts and puppies! I don't know what's in it by I LOVE IT. It gives me this floaty-high-queen-of-all-I-survey feeling. Who doesn't love THAT? I can concentrate better, I get more done, I don't kill people for looking at me funny...this is really GOOD STUFF! One day at work, I had forgotten to take it and LOOK OUT. I didn't even remember that I'd forgotten to take it. One of my co workers who knew that I'd found the secret to eternal happiness, said "Ummm...did you take any Neurontin today?" GASP...I hadn't. I don't think I've forgotten it since. Now I get it in big 55 gallon drum size prescriptions and carry a bottle in my purse in case I forget my morning dose. I eventually had to get the prescription refilled and went to my general MD. I mumbled about still using the Neurontin and that it made me feel like I could leap off buildings wearing a cape and he said "well, keep taking it then!" He explained that it is sometimes used "off label" (in other words the FDA doesn't approve of this use) for mood stabilization. And then wrote me a the biggest prescription I've ever seen for a bottle that needed to be brought home on a flatbed. After I picked up the prescription I hauled it up to the office where I worked (pharmacy is in the same building) and set it on the counter for all to gaze upon. Someone said..."what's that?" I replied NEURONTIN. They said "THANK GOD".

I often wonder what happened to my brain to make it so chemically off kilter. Lots of people have hearts and puppies personalities and it doesn't even take COFFEE to get them to be nice. I'm grinchy-grouchy-growly-grumbly and then I take Neurontin and (BING) I'm Maria from the Sound of Music...without the spinning and singing on a big hill...but if I had one...I'm sure I'd spin and sing...this moment brought to you by Neurontin.

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