Saturday, September 1, 2007

Can't beat a sprinkler

If you really want high intensity screeching from a three and a half year old...put the sprinkler on in the front yard. Glass shattering screeching. And then add two parents yelling "EMMA STOP SCREAMING". I think we broke several village noise ordinances. Once we got her to breath in between screams, she decided that she would try to drink the water coming out of the sprinkler which resulted in mostly water going up her nose which of course caused her guessed it...SCREECH. And a good time was had by all.


KJ said...

Hmmm, I think the small female in my house is on her way to perfecting the screech, too. Is it hormonal or what? Sheesh. LOL! The pics are awesome!!

Chris said...

I think little girls come with a pre-programmed screech chip...which is standard on every model.