Tuesday, September 18, 2007


When you push a baby into the world...or have one pulled from your belly thus leaving an 8 inch scar (ERIC AND EMMA...I'm not bitter though..sniff...)...you develop another sense. Only moms have it. Only moms can call upon it. Moms...you know what it is (all together now) MOMDAR! What do you mean, what's Momdar? Momdar is the ability to detect every object, inanimate and animate, breathing or dead, warm or cold that is in your house, in your garage, on the floor of your van or in the sandbox, on command. They don't even have to finish the sentence asking for said lost item...

" Hey Mom...where's that.."
"China cabinet drawer, left side, under the brochure about self breast exams"

"Hey Mom..have you seen.."
" Laundry room, third basket from the left, near the bottom, don't you dare wear it, it smells funky"

"Mommy where's that girl doll with the flower on her head and the spinny skirt and the yellow hat?"
(thinks) "Bathroom sink"

You know you have it. You can find anything that has passed through your conscious, semi conscious and if you have drugs, unconscious mind. Kind of handy...kind of groovy....kind of useful if you need something from someone..

"Mom...I know you know where that video game adapter is that I lost last Christmas..."
"I need your room cleaned..."
"ALRIGHT! I'll clean the room!"
"Van..three seats back, still plugged into the power jack from that trip we took"

Unfortunately it only works on their stuff....half the time I still can't find my own car keys.

1 comment:

KJ said...

ROTFL! That is so true!