Thursday, September 13, 2007

So I got one of those chain emails.

A couple of days ago, I received one of those chain emails. You know the ones that I'm talking about. Send this to 1,236 of your friends and something very cool will happen to you. I usually never fall for it. I read the email and as soon as I hit the part where it gives the instructions to send it to 7 of my friends (and I usually have to dig through my address book for friends that I think won't KILL me if I do this to them), I usually hit the delete button with great flourish like Liberace finishing a Las Vegas show.

So things have been a little stressful around our house. Money, work, my freaking arm have all put a tension in the air that is making each day less than joy filled. When I received this email it said that at a precise time the next day I would receive news I had been waiting to hear (I think it said GOOD news). BUT I had to send it seven of my friends and "please don't break the chain!". So I thought of seven people that would maybe not try to poison me the next time a saw them, added them to the address line and "poof" sent off the email.

Yesterday, I'd pretty much forgotten about the whole thing. I was seeing patients as usual. I've been trying to sell this stupid ring that I have on Ebay and haven't had much luck because A. it's ugly and 2. it's worth quite a bit of money and rich jewelry shoppers do not abound on Ebay. At almost the exact time specified in the email, I received an email from a buyer who had made me an offer earlier on the ring. This is it, I thought! The email freaking worked! I am going to be the email chain letter sending queen of the internet now! I'm a believer! I opened the potential buyer's email only to find....she rescinded her offer. FREAK. So, no big deal...EXCEPT...that damn chain email DID seem to have some sort of spookiness to it! Did it really predict the time that I would receive that email or is it one of those things that so much happens in life that I could have attributed any event to the email no matter what time it predicted? At ANY rate. It WAS news I was waiting to hear. It was NOT good news. (And the email even had pictures of angels in it! What's up with that??)

The next time I receive one of those emails (there will be probably 12 today in my inbox), I'll pause for a moment....but only for a moment before I hit that delete button with my Liberace flourish!

Damn...I have enough bad luck on my own without angel laden emails to help me out! Gave me the heebee jeebee's too.


KJ said...

LOL I want to know who has time to CREATE those darn thing.

I live on the edge. Delete. Delete. DELETE! Bwahahahaha!

That was spooky about the ring offer, though. Sorry you are STILL trying to get rid of it. Maybe it has bad mojo.

Chris said...

That's it! Bad Mojo! I knew there was something wrong with it!