Friday, April 4, 2008

Meet Frosty's friends...

This will be a series of Frosty's (remember her? The gangly n'ere do well doofus pomeranian aka goat/wood chipper?) friends. She has many "friends" scattered all over the house and they all have names.

Meet Fourteen. He's a carrot. (get it? Fourteen carrot? Oh come ON, that's FUNNY!) He used to have two green leaves on top and a FACE but Frosty has beaten the living daylights out of this guy and now he's got a hole where his leaf used to be and a missing face. He has a squeaker inside and sometimes Frosty will hold him in her mouth and will bang poor Fourteen on the floor to make him squeak. Over and over again...and usually in the middle of LOST during the most important part where they are going to reveal what the HELL is really happening on that show and all I hear is SQUEAK-----SQUEAKSQUEAK----SQUEAK! Until one of us yells "gimme that damn carrot you freak!!" and by then...we've missed the whole thing. We hate Fourteen.

1 comment:

sharonj1017 said...

LOL!! Clever!

Our Lola (basset hound) has a few toys that she has loved (read as 'destroyed'). Her favorite is a ladybug with rope arms/legs that we got at Target. It is now just a shell of a bug (the stuffing is all over the yard) so I went and bought her another one. Now she drags the thing over to me everytime I open the door, wanting to play fetch and keep away!